Direct Integration

Perfect for bot developers or personal projects. Send your deployer private key and token information, and we'll handle the entire creation process. A 1% fee is taken on the dev buy.

Token Creation Request
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "name": "PumpLauncher Example Request",
    "symbol": "TESTPumpLauncherTEST",
    "description": "A sample token",
    "amountToBuy": 1, //in SOL
    "twitter": "",
    "telegram": "",
    "website": "",
    "imageData": "<base64 encoded image>",
    "devPrivateKey": "<base58 deployer SECRET key>"

Response Format

Successful Response
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "signature": "5KKsX...",
    "mint": "7nZr...pump"

Implementation Notes


Your private key is only used for the token creation transaction and is never stored. All API requests are made over HTTPS, and your private key is immediately discarded after use. If you're not satisfied with this level of security, we understand. That's why we have a self-signed version of this service.

Rate Limiting

The API is rate-limited to 10 requests per minute per IP address. Contact us for higher limits.

Error Handling

The API returns detailed error messages to help you debug issues. Always check the response status and handle errors appropriately.

Launching Soon